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From Id to JSON Object (Map-API)

Version reduced to minimal set of HTML Read Example Description


<ul id="tourList">
// grab ul element out of DOM
var tourList = document.getElementById("tourList");

// instantiate Objects API
new oa.api.OOIs( 
        // list of string ids (just the ids of two tours)
        idlist: [ '1397449', '5345254' ],

        // only load basic tour data from backend
        // (to save bandwidth)
        lightweightApp: 'tour'

// tell the Obejcts API to load the data
).load( onLoad );

// onload callback
function onLoad( status, oois ) {

    // do something with the loaded ooi data
    for(var i=0; i<oois.length; i++) {

	// create a new list item for each loaded tour
        li = document.createElement("li");

	// fill the list item with id, title and distance of the loaded tour
	li.innerHTML = "Id "+ oois[i].id + ": " + oois[i].title + ", Distance " + Math.round(oois[i].length) + " m";

	// append list item to unordered list
