The GeomLayer adds a set of tours and POIs to the map without clustering. It is used to build maps to show a tour and its POIs, small result sets and the 3d flight.
// function initOA is called as soon as Outdooractive JavaScript API is ready
oa.api.maps( initOA );
var tours, pois, content;
// add some tours to array of object ids
tours = [ '1397449', '5345254' ]; // some tours
pois = [ '1336336', '1324291' ]; // some pois
content = tours.concat(pois);
function initOA( oamaps, gm ) {
// create configuration objects
var layerConfig, detailPageEvent;
// only oax allows GeomLayer configuration attributes
if (oa.PREFIX === 'oax') {
layerConfig = {
fitPoiBounds: true,
markersActive: true,
defaultIW: true
// instantiate GeomLayer
layer = new oamaps.GeomLayer( content, layerConfig );
// event to open detail page:
// oax: info window click
// oam: marker click
detailPageEvent = (oa.PREFIX === 'oax') ? 'iwSelect' : 'markerClick';
// add listener to open detail page
var h = layer.listen( detailPageEvent, openDetailPage );
layer.whenLoaded( initMap );
function initMap() {
// map container
mapDiv = document.getElementById( "map_canvas" );
// map config
mapConfig = { oa: {maplibre:false} };
var bounds = layer.getBounds();
if (oa.PREFIX=='oax') {
mapConfig.bounds = layer.getBounds();
} else {
bounds = layer.getBounds(); = layer.getBounds().center;
mapConfig.zoom = 8;
// instantiate map
map = mapDiv, mapConfig );
if (oa.PREFIX=='oam') {
map.fitBounds( L.latLngBounds(L.latLng(bounds[1], bounds[0]), L.latLng( bounds[3],bounds[2] )));
// add GeomLayer to map
layer.setMap( map );
function openDetailPage( obj ) {
return window.location = "../../FlexView-API/Detail-Pages/FlexView.DetailPage.html?id=" +;