The outdooractive Data API gives you acces to the content of your outdooractive API Project.

Data format

The outdooractive Data API responses are UTF-8 XML documents by default or UTF-8 JSON documents alternatively. Most of the outdooractive Data API interfaces support JSONP.

Future releases of the outdooractive Data API will put a focus on UTF-8 JSON encoding. (Maybe XML support will be dropped at some point of time.)

The following http header has to be sent to get responses as JSON representation:

Accept: application/json

Project key and API key

A request to the outdooractive Data API is only valid if an outdooractive API key and an outdooractive project key are used. The following test keys are used in all examples and the reference. You are welcome to use these keys for temporary testing purposes.

Test Project Key


Test API Key



Every outdooractive API project has its own category tree which is a two level hierarchy of project categories which are organized in category groups.

The complete category tree of an outdooractive API project: 

The project category tree reduced to categories of the core content types tour or poi: 

The project category tree filtered to categories which currently have published content objects:


The outdooractive platform stores information about the relations of continents, countries, provinces, districts and communes as a global hierarchical tree. Tourism areas, moutain areas and protected areas are part of this region tree.

A sub tree is chosen for each outdooractive API project and is available through the data api: 

Region types:

  • political: commune (Gemeinde), district (Landkreis), province (Bundesland), country (Staat), continent (Kontinent)
  • tourism: tourismarea (Tourismus Region), customarea (kundenspezifische Region)
  • nature: mountainarea (Bergregion), protectedarea (Schutzgebiet)


Get the tours and POIs of a project as id lists: 

Get the full information of two content objects:,1397449?key=yourtest-outdoora-ctiveapi&lang=de

The same request reduced to a minimal set of attributes:,1397449?key=yourtest-outdoora-ctiveapi&display=minimal&lang=de

The same request reduced to a set of attributes which allows to render a content object snippet or list entry:,1397449?key=yourtest-outdoora-ctiveapi&display=list&lang=de

Look up the external id of a content object:  

Full text search (POIs and tours) and get an id list:


Filter tours of a project and get an id list:

Available filter parameters:

Filter Parameter

The FilterClusterLayer allows you to filter all tours of your project by the following parameters.

Parameter Example Default Description
dif_d, dif_m, dif_e dif_d : false true show tours which are ‘difficult’ (dif_d=true), ‘intermediate’ (dif_m=true), ‘easy’ (dif_e=true)
asc_s, asc_e asc_s : 500 empty string filter tours by ascending meters: asc_s <= tour.asc <= asc_e
tim_s, tim_e tim_e : 60 empty string filter tours by duration in minutes: tim_s <= tour.time <= tim_e
len_s, len_e len_e : 5000 empty string filter tours by length in meters: len_s <= tour.length <= len_e
q q : ‘Church’ empty string full text search
area area : ‘1027459’ empty string filter by region
category category : ‘1566479’ empty string filter by category
sortedBy sortedBy : ‘title’ empty string sort output by ‘title’ or ‘distance’. Use ‘title desc’ to sort in descending order.


Available parameters:

Nearby Parameter

The NearBy API is called with the parameters location and radius. Further parameters are:

Parameter Example Default Description
location 10.26706,47.51336 - longitude/latitude pair of the near by search center
radius 5000 - search radius (unit: meters)
sortby distance name result sorted by distance, name or ascent
limit 10 - limit the result list
callback onNearByResponse - js callback in case of jsonp (add /jsonp to path)

All Filter API parameters may be used as well.


Images are content objects with a title and description. The outdooractive platform uses content relations to link images of content objects like tours and POIs. The images related to a content object are referenced by an outdooractive id in all object representations.

The default Url to an image object’s image file:

All images are available in several fixed sizes (width/height) from 100x100px up to 1250x625px. The fixed size that comes closest to a request at arbitrary sizes will be served.

The max width is 2048px (if the original image file width is greater than 2048px).

The available sizes are:


{ 100, 100 }, { 116, 116 }, { 120, 120 }, {133, 133}, {150, 150}
{ 180, 180 }, { 200, 200 }, { 220, 220 }, { 300, 300 }, { 320, 320 },
{ 350, 350 }, { 400, 400 }, { 420, 420 }, { 800, 800 }, { 1024, 1024 }, { 2048, 2048 }


{ 70, 40 }, { 98, 48 }, { 120, 68 }, { 220, 124 }, { 220, 130 },
{ 236, 134 }, { 320, 181 }, { 420, 237 }, { 600, 300 }, { 671, 335 },
{ 720, 360 }, { 728, 410 }, { 800, 450 }, { 800, 600 }, { 834, 417 }, { 840, 420 },
{ 900, 450 }, { 1080, 410 }, { 1080, 540 }, {1200, 600}, { 1250, 475 }, { 1250, 625 }

An image with a given size out of the list (width = 671px, height = 335 px):

An image with an arbitrary size (width = 650px, height = 300 px):

The image size in the response:

{ 800, 600 }

The original image file at full resolution:





The request language of all text APIs are set by parameters:

  • lang: e.g. “de”, “en”, “fr”, etc. Sets the request language.
  • fallback: possible values are true (default) and false, return the text of the default language if an attribute’s text is not avaible in the requested language

Example Request: